Follow me on my GitHub to have more information about my projects.

  • SuperJS

    A very simple web app project to play with imperative JavaScript capabilities.

    Project created on 16 May 2020

    Coded mainly with JavaScript

    Licensed under MIT License

  • RazorMovies

    Simple movie database website developed with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages

    Project created on 23 November 2020

    Coded mainly with C#

  • Minesweeper

    Minesweeper game made with wxWidgets to learn the framework

    Project created on 7 November 2020

    Coded mainly with C++

  • Metrify

    Metrify is a small single-page applicattion that allows you to meter poems simply and quickly. (Repo in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Project created on 13 August 2021

    Coded mainly with HTML

  • IrisML

    Detects different flowers from the Scikit iris database, creates a pdf with a decision tree, and a performance evaluation. (Repo in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Project created on 21 May 2019

    Coded mainly with Python

    Licensed under MIT License

  • HelloGatsby

    Simple static content website to learn Gatsby.

    Project created on 17 December 2020

    Coded mainly with JavaScript

    Licensed under MIT License

  • GraphPrime

    Cross-platform prime number calculator developed on Tauri and Svelte with beautiful charts by frappe and dygraphs, and excellent performance.

    Project created on 15 May 2022

    Coded mainly with Svelte

    Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0

  • FruitsML

    Machine learning com scikit-learn, prevê diferente frutas usando peso e rugosidade da casca, além disso cria um pdf com a árvore de decisão.

    Project created on 21 May 2019

    Coded mainly with Python

    Licensed under MIT License

  • DoodlesClicker

    Clicker game made with QT to learn the framework

    Project created on 2 September 2020

    Coded mainly with C++

    Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0

  • Democraz

    See a list of bills and constitutional amendments directly from the Chamber of Deputies API. (Repo in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Project created on 17 August 2021

    Coded mainly with Python

    Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0

  • NumerosPrimosJS

    JavaScript prime number calculator, with graphical representation. (Repo in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Project created on 11 May 2019

    Coded mainly with HTML

    Licensed under MIT License

  • NumerosPrimos

    Calculadora de números primos em C, saiba quais números primos existem até certo número

    Project created on 11 May 2019

    Coded mainly with C

    Licensed under MIT License

  • BubbleSort

    Simplistic bubble sort terminal application, written in C to demonstrate the bubble sort algorithm

    Project created on 3 June 2020

    Coded mainly with C

    Licensed under MIT License

  • BordBot

    A discord bot that gives random responses to random things. (Repo in Brazilian Portuguese)

    Project created on 20 December 2020

    Coded mainly with Python

    Licensed under MIT License